© Ministry
Of Textile, Office of the Textile Commissioner, Mumbai.
India Asean Agreements
Notification No.153/2009-Cus
Notification No. 65/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus
Notification No. 87/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus)
Notification No. 103/2010 - Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus)
Notification No. 115/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus)
Notification No. 116/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus)
Notification No. 135/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 153/2009-Cus)
Notification No. 136/2010-Cus (Amendment to Notification No. 116/2010-Cus)
Notification No. 46/2011-Customs [In suppression & Notification no. 153/2009-Cus]
Notification No. 68/2011-Cus dtd 29.7.2011
Amendment to 46/2011-Cus)
Notification No. 126/2011-Cus dtd 30.11.2011
Amendment to Notification No. 116/2010 - Special dispensation to Brunei Darussalam)
Notification No. 127/2011-Cus dtd 30.12.2011
Amendment to Notification NO. 46/2011)